7 Ways to Make Sales…No List Required

Think you can’t hope to make sales simply because you have no list to promote to? This kind of self-sabotaging thought is what holds many promising coaches and entrepreneurs back from creating great things. They believe that without a ready-made audience, there’s no hope for sales, and therefore, what’s the point?  But the truth is,…

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Is Your Social Media Plan Working For You?

Ah, social media. It’s everybody’s favorite way to interact with others around the world and to market their products and services. Some people reach the elevated status of Social Media Darling while others are posting day in and day out without any nibbles whatsoever.   What’s the difference between the Darling and the Wannabe? Most…

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Turn Your Content into Cash with a Three-Part Sales Funnel

Every business should have a sales funnel, which is a visual representation of how to attract people into the business and convert them into paying customers. The term ‘sales funnel’ is a big buzz word lately yet so many business owners procrastinate or are scared to create a funnel for various reasons. Most commonly, they…

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Consistent Branding will Increase Sales

I have no doubt that before you opened your coaching doors you thought long and hard about the message of your company, from the words on your website to the colors of your logo. The same kind of strategy should occur when you’re creating products for your audience. While the product graphics don’t have to…

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Don’t HIDE, Create Your Own Path.

By now you probably have figured out that I’m a big believer in just being yourself in your business and your life. There are plenty of coaching gurus who tell you to “fake it till you make it”. I am not that person. Lean into the “real” you, the you want to be, all the…

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How Often Does Your Audience REALLY Want to Hear from You?

When it comes to relationship marketing and building solid business relationships with your audience, a certain amount of interaction is vitally important. But is there such a thing as TOO much interaction? Let’s compare three different scenarios and audiences. Almost everyone has a long lost cousin, friend, or acquaintance who you only hear from once…

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